A downloadable game for Windows

Escape capsules from the USS Coulomb have been scattered into a hazardous asteroid field and they've  lost control of their engines! Use charged drones to push and pull the capsules back home. This game is based loosely on real life electrostatics.

Solo Project for GMTK Game Jam 2020 - Out Of Control

Music: "Step to Space" by rolemusic


Place drones using the mouse then press space to begin the simulation. You can use positive and negative charged drones to pull and push the capsule. Try to get the blue dot (the escape capsule) to the purple circle (your home-world) without hitting any asteroids or drones.

IMPORTANT TIP: The impact charged drones have on the capsule is heavily influenced by how close they are to it.


'Left Click': Place positively charged drone or add +1 Coulomb of charge to existing drone. Positive drones pull the capsule towards them.

'Right Click': Place negatively charged drone or add -1 Coulomb of charge to existing drone. Negative drones push the capsule towards them.

'Space': Begin Simulation

'Backspace': Delete last placed drone.

'H': Helpscreen

'Esc': Quit


Coloumb'sCapsules.zip 16 MB

Install instructions

Just extract the zip file and run the executable.

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